Sunday, October 12, 2008

The day that comes in every Football career . . .

Well, it finally happened. I was the 'MOM' that had to watch her football hero be carried off the field due to injury. Can I tell you . . . this is a very strange and disconnecting feeling. Can I also tell you . . . . it confirms one of the amazing things that I have come to know about football? Your team and their families become a family in and of itself - complete with encouragement, support, and concern. I was taken aback by the concern of the opposing team as well. All politics and rivalries aside, this is youth football . . . .key word being 'YOUTH' and we all care about our kids. Before we even left the premises for the hospital, we were asked for permission to say a prayer for our Hero, by families of the other team. I love this game.

The bottom line looks to be a sprain, but a visit to the orthopedist this week will confirm or deny the initial diagnosis. Hero's spirits are high, as well as ours, and we hope that, indeed, it is only a sprain. Crutches, an immobilizer, and being confined to the first floor are our current restraints, so we hope that is the extent of it. Thanks to all and god bless.

Huddle Mom takes a day . . .

I attended the Women of Faith Conference for the first time, and WOW! what a rewarding experience! I was invited by a friend, to whom I will be forever grateful, and found myself completely enthralled by these amazing women who have done so much, yet have had the same feelings of doubt and insecurity that I think each and every one of us as women, have at some time in our lives. I attended this conference with a group of about 20 others that I did not know the day I arrived, and now feel I have a connection to the diverse group that I very much would like to share with some amazing women that I know. If you are ever given this opportunity in your city, I strongly encourage you to take the leap of faith!