Thursday, November 20, 2008

Post Script of the Season

The end of year banquet was held to celebrate another great season for the program. Good food, good company, good speaker, and this little video that was put together. Video of #70 running down the opponent tackling on the one yard line, immediately followed by #56 running up the left sideline for a 25yard gain were our PERSONAL highlights for the Junior members, but the video also celebrates the High School program, which all of these young men follow very closely. Great time was had by all . . . . . . Already looking forward to next year. Video can be viewed either by the YouTube link above or by clicking on 'Post Script of the Season', if you like. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Post Script

Well - the football season has come to an end, and with no more than some bumps, bruises (otherwise known as man marks), and one sprained knee. Overall, a successful year! We have continued to attend other games of local teams who went on to their championship! Junior Member #1 is finishing up physical therapy, but cannot wait for baseball! Junior member #2 is eagerly awaiting basketball!

I currently have the smallest feet in the house, and will soon enough (I fear) also be the shortest member of the Huddle.

Life has slowed a bit, but we are preparing for Head of Huddle to have hernia surgery, which will keep him down (ha, ha, ha) but not out. Just in time to head to the beach for Turkey Day!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The day that comes in every Football career . . .

Well, it finally happened. I was the 'MOM' that had to watch her football hero be carried off the field due to injury. Can I tell you . . . this is a very strange and disconnecting feeling. Can I also tell you . . . . it confirms one of the amazing things that I have come to know about football? Your team and their families become a family in and of itself - complete with encouragement, support, and concern. I was taken aback by the concern of the opposing team as well. All politics and rivalries aside, this is youth football . . . .key word being 'YOUTH' and we all care about our kids. Before we even left the premises for the hospital, we were asked for permission to say a prayer for our Hero, by families of the other team. I love this game.

The bottom line looks to be a sprain, but a visit to the orthopedist this week will confirm or deny the initial diagnosis. Hero's spirits are high, as well as ours, and we hope that, indeed, it is only a sprain. Crutches, an immobilizer, and being confined to the first floor are our current restraints, so we hope that is the extent of it. Thanks to all and god bless.

Huddle Mom takes a day . . .

I attended the Women of Faith Conference for the first time, and WOW! what a rewarding experience! I was invited by a friend, to whom I will be forever grateful, and found myself completely enthralled by these amazing women who have done so much, yet have had the same feelings of doubt and insecurity that I think each and every one of us as women, have at some time in our lives. I attended this conference with a group of about 20 others that I did not know the day I arrived, and now feel I have a connection to the diverse group that I very much would like to share with some amazing women that I know. If you are ever given this opportunity in your city, I strongly encourage you to take the leap of faith!

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Perfect Weekend

This past weekend turned out to be the perfect weekend for the Huddle! Victories for both of the junior members on a beautiful day, and noteworthy performances by both left the Co-Captains beaming! We woke up to some bad news on Sunday, with The Nanny being taken to the hospital early Sunday morning by The Architect, and learning of a bleeding ulcer . . . scary stuff! The Nanny should be released today, with a much more bland diet in her future, but lots of happy people surrounding her, which might make the diet change a bit more tolerable.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tis the season . . .

And you thought I was talking about the Holidays! No, the Fab Four are deep into the season of football!!! Practices, games, and unending pride and joy! The Co-Captains of the huddle are not sure where these junior members came from, but they are animals, and the Captains could not be more proud of the weekly performances!!